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Jon Stewart, Republicans refuse health care for 9 11 responders

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Republicans Block 9/11 Health Care Bill
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What is even more disgusting than the actual ideology of this and what it means to be a Republican, is that they are doing this because the tax breaks for the wealthy has not actually taken place YET.

Loudly and proudly we hear it over and over again from the Republicans themselves that they only care about two issues – the destruction of President Obama and giving the wealthiest Americans whatever tax breaks they can.

The good news!

These two issues put the Christian values of intolerance, bigotry and all that poorly hidden hatred against pregnant women, Gays, Mexicans, Muslims and all hyphenated-Americans as secondary Republican endeavors. Hear! Here! God Bless America!  

Some ask the question, how can the majority of struggling Americans so consistently vote against their own economic self interest? How can that be? Whats up with that? They are VALUE voters, whether those values are Family, American or Christian they cover the exact same territory. The profound intolerance, bigotry and poorly hidden hatred against
pregnant women, Gays, Mexicans, Muslims and all hyphenated-Americans. The single largest voting block and driving force in American politics, like it or not.