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Jon Stewart Republicans trapped by TV cameras at Health Care Summit

Just a week or so ago the Republicans were screeching about wanting cameras on CSPAN for a House debate on health care. That President Obama was a fascist for not allowing open debate to the cameras. Now the President has called for a Health Care Summit on February 25th to discuss health care in front of cameras! And Republicans are scared to death threatening a no show because they claim open discussion under the cameras is a trap!

So what is the difference? In the House or Senate they can hold up pictures of aborted fetuses, bring real babies to the podium who hate taxes and Obama, they can use bogus charts showing that Obama is destroying America and they can wave their arms and scream about crazyass things to make them look good to their dumbass Tea Bag constituents. Because no one watches CSPAN and they can get the tapes to play to their boobs back home.

But a televised summit picked up by the mainstream media? No way! They just tried that and it turned out to be a trap! A trap they were told about, briefed upon and which was open and NON SCRIPTED. There’s the rub it seems.

Keep in mind the most important rule of right-wing propagandists like
Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck or most any Senator or
Congressman outside the cover of House and Senate rules. DO NOT EVER,
ever never ever ever, go face to face in a fair unscripted debate with
anyone who is not in the choir. Well, other than Truthers, Nambla and
the main stream media who are going to play nice to them because playing
nice them sells pickup trucks and Bud. And that is the whole point of
the so called NEWS since Ted Turner turned on CNN at the same time
Ronald Reagan become president. A double whammy, lipstick on a pig and
no one to wipe to off to get to the real thing underneath.