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Jon Stewart, Rick & Anita Perry too stupid for Evangelicals

 "The sweetest most good natured crapting on an entire religion I have ever seen in my life, Bless his heart. Yes he [Romney] deserves to be in Hell, but on a different floor than Hitler." Jon Stewart about Mormonism is a Cult Pastor Jeffress

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I can’t get past the way this Dallas Preacher Jeffress’ articulates his words. Other than making Barney Fife look like Conan the Barbarian, he exemplifies that Evangelical special language of talking down to those even more ignorant than he is. Many Americans, especially that Republican Base (Evangelicals) – have trouble understanding most anything unless it is said loudly, simply, slowly and with each word overtly mouthed.

Stupid people cannot be written off, they vote like crazy. I meant that literally on both fronts. Stupid people are more than half the electorate. Someone has to represent them. What the GOP can’t muster, Pastor Jeffress and Anita Perry fill the void. As does Glenn Beck. Who is A MORMON! There you go right there. CULT.