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Jon Stewart Says Glenn Beck talks out of his Ass

"I will tell you what doesn’t speak well of hour Health Care system is that in the last 16 months the hole they stitched up in Glenn Beck’s ass did not heal enough for him to stop talking out of it." Jon Stewart

Ass problems seem to be an important factor in becoming a successful Right-wing radio host. Rush Limbaugh dodged the draft for an ANAL WART and Glenn Beck almost died from Hemorrhoids!

I managed to listen to an hour of Glenn Beck on the radio yesterday for the first time. He seems to allow a lot more callers than most of the Right-wing radio hosts. In the hour I listened I found them not really concerned about Health Care or the Stimulus or Debt. It is just a matter of an extreme personal and viseral hatred of President Barack Obama, many of whom admitted that they could not say his name without turning purple and perhaps having a stroke. The hatred is so beyond the pale that their brains have leaked out of their ears, down their pasty white cheeks causing excessive wrinkles, liver spots, the growth of gray beards and gigantic stomachs.

I have some advice for our President. Its really from an old Jimmy Buffet song…

"It you ever get the chance to go to Dallas, take it from me, pass it by…"