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Jon Stewart, senile Homophobe Senator John McCain and Gaethism

In 2008 most of America was horrified with the possibility of having know-nothing blood-sport creationist Sarah Palin a heartbeat away from the Oval Office.  But that was a "what if" scenario while the real horror show would have been the reality – as we can see here – having a homophobic, war mongering, unstable, well known friendless nasty a whole actually peeing all over the rug in the Oval Office.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon – Thurs 11p / 10cGaypocalypse
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As a veteran AND an Officer and a Gentleman having experienced a few days of adrenaline induced combat I feel obligated to WikiJite a couple things about all this.

With our volunteer Army, those few "spearhead combat troops" McCain is talking about – who we used to refer to as "those guys wanting to walk point" are there because they enjoy killing people. It’s what they signed up to do – what they are trained to want and "get off" on.

We should be surprised that these kind of men are also bigots? Not only toward Gays but toward ragheads, Arabs, and "sandblacks" – no matter what age, sex or guilt those at the other end of the gun happen to be. Of course it was much easier back in my day when they all came under just one category heading, "gooks".

Hey, if these men don’t want to fight along side gays, show them the Goddamn door  back to Bodunk, USA and the Walmart or the unemployment line. Same goes for any officer or General with the same bigoted views. Fire them today just as the Father of Conservatism Senator Barry Goldwater told Bill Clinton to do RATHER than the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell crap.

Also while I am at it, I do not accept that North Korea attacked some island for no reason at all.

On a cold snowy day in the Winter of 1968-69 on the DMZ in Korea I experienced the adrenaline rush of combat when North Koreans opened fire on one of our patrols down at the markers. It was reported as a flagrant attack on innocent UN forces.

I spend a year up on the GPs above the markers, most of that time our infantry patrols had been meeting North Korean squads down at the markers to exchange C rations for deer meat. One night one of our sergeants went down and opened up with automatic fire on the North Koreans killing who knows. Some days later that action was was repaid on a UN marker squad. Sadly there was no WikiLeaks at the time so no one ever knew or ever will know the truth.