Number of Americans killed in domestic terrorist attacks, 2002-2011: 30
Number of Americans murdered by firearms, 2000-2011: 115,997
Cost of War on Terror since 2002 to 2011: $5 Trillion
Cost of ATF fight against gun violence: $11 billion
If only our founding fathers could have imagined an AR15 with dual 40 round clips or an AK47 with a 100 round magazine, or even a 9mm semi automatic handgun with a 20 round clip. Gee, all our founding fathers could have been wiped on in 5 seconds in just one burst.
What will it take for this nation to wake up to the violence our gun culture perpetrates? A school full of kindergartners didn’t do it. A movie theater full of kids and parents had no effect, a high school full of teenagers got us nothing. A building full of military workers and veterans we get nothing. What will it take? I suppose we will just have to wait it out until a majority of Republicans find their own kids full of bullet holes.