Jon Stewart covers the newest four Republican clowns entering the race for name recognition, speaking fees and political appointments, Rick Santorum with his appropriate lump of coal, Lindsay Graham who knows Iranians are liars because his parents owned a sleazy bar and pool hall, someone named Pataka who I think played Zulu on Star Trek, and the King of Clowns the talking orangutan himself, The Donald Trump. Who we see here knows how to destroy ISIS but won’t tell, na na na NA na.
So we now have 8 running with 7 more to declare they are running over the next few weeks. Which gives us 15 of them in that one little car. Could be the basis of a new sitcom, Make Room for Romney.
Oh BTW, as a dedicated follower of Mornin’ Joe I heard not a few times this week, from most all on the show, that Jeb Bush will win the nomination and the Presidency. Mostly because of something to do with working class neighborhoods in Pennsylvania. And if that isn’t enough there is the email and Benghazi.