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Justice Department to fight Jan Brewers AZ SB1070 papers please law

It seems the Jan Brewers of the world are never happy. After complaining that the federal government had done nothing to intervene in the illegal immigration tussle, the Justice Department announced a lawsuit to prevent SB1070 from becoming law. Brewer’s next move was to establish a legal defense fund, which hardly shows a willingness to cooperate. The chess game continues, but many consider the Justice Department’s move to be the
right one which may lead to comprehensive immigration reform, and prevent other states from diving head-long into a racially charged Brewer solution.

One can hardly blame Mexican governors for refusing to attend the Border Governor Conference, usually held in Arizona. They’re less accustomed to being frisked than the rest of us and seem to feel that the law discriminates against Hispanics in general. Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico is hopeful that a meeting in a more neutral place – perhaps Greenland, will bring the governors together at this especially volatile time.