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Kathie Lee & Hoda: Slap in the face with adult toys & fun with wine

Anderson Cooper feels it’s time that Hoda and Kathie Lee are recognized as the "two national treasures they are." Even Joel McCale (Of Community and the Soup) is trying to patch things up with the girls. If you remember Kathie Lee from the days when she was America’s sweetheart, daily regaling Regis with stories of little Cody’s cutest escapade, raving about Frank ‘the love machine,’ then singing a gospel song, her current incarnation will have you rubbing your eyes in disbelief. Regis really wasn’t rewarded well enough for biting back comments in those days, when he could only roll his eyes, and make the smallest of droll remarks.

The two hit the air when the first cork is popped, lid screwed off or whatever you do with those big refrigerator boxes. Still maintaining some of that good girl imagery, Kathie Lee famously said in a segment on adult toys recently, "I wouldn’t know one if it slapped me in the face." Oh please! Day-glow colors, rather suggestive shapes, and vibrating as if there is a quake… If it slapped you and it was still a mystery, you’d better check what’s really in those wine glasses! I’m not complaining mind you. With the Regis days, I thought Polly Pure would go on to lead the Tea Party by this point in her career, but there have been some changes made!

The pillow fighting duo are said to ‘deliver an hour of wine-soaked heaven.’ So ‘they’ say, I’ve never been in the bag at that hour to fully appreciate it…I can try in the interest of journalism however.