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Kentucky Christians say NO to interracial couples

The Gulnare Free Will Baptist Church voted to keep interracial couple Stella Harville and Ticha Chikuni out of their all white congregation in Pike County Kentucky, home of the popular Hillbilly Days Festival.

To be fair, it was a 9 to 6 vote from the 40 or so members who were illegible to vote. Why the other 25 did not vote is one of God’s mysteries. Ky. church revisits ban on interracial couples

"Parties of such marriages will not be received as members, nor will they be used in worship services and other church functions, with the exception being funerals." Says the Resolution.

The story here is not about the fine people who represent the Republican Base in Pike County, Kentucky. Rather it is the words behind all this from Melvin Thompson who only recently retired as Pastor of the Church and who wrote and initiated the resolution.

"I am not racist. I will tell you that. I am not prejudiced against any race of people, have never in my lifetime spoke evil. That’s what this is being portrayed as, but it is not."  Pastor Melvin Thompson

It’s all so Republican, so Fox News, so Southern Heritage, so Confederate Flag… Faith based denial of the more than obvious.

This is the prevailing attitude of the tens of millions of today’s American racists. If one has not personally owned a slave, burned a cross or lynched a Negro then one cannot be a racist, PERIOD.

Even the mainstream media has changed the name of for them. Racists are now referred to as "nativists." That lighter moniker is used for the heavier inclusion pf Mexicans (who are mixed race American Indians.)  Oh and about 30% of registered American voters voted for Barack Obama. So there you have it. Racism no longer exists in America!

Newt Gingrich doubling down on his idea of putting poor black children to work cleaning toilets if they want an education is not racism either. It’s just sound Republican/Christian policy.  

Have you noticed what the driving force is in this silly roller coaster ride the Republican Base is giving us in presidential politics? It’s not gravitas, policy or character, it is who best expresses the most hatred of liberals, Democrats and Barack Obama. As Jesus said so well, "Hate thy enemy as yourself."

The driving force of Republican politics in it’s entirety – beyond just presidential politics – is that of an ever growing all white political party rejecting government, taxes, social programs (entitlements) because they perceive all of it as THEIR money being STOLEN by Liberals to support lazy, criminal African Americans and Mexicans. It is what it is and the central reason why we are the ONLY nation on Earth with no form of universal health care. And to make all this crap even more horrible that it already is… They do it on the back of Jesus Christ.