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King of the Neo Cons Irving Kristol RIP

Irving Kristol the father (a title he sometimes shares with Norman Podhoretz) of the Neo Conservative movement has met his maker.

Today we know him best as the father of one of Fox News most ubiquitous conservative pundits, Little Billy Kristol who really really REALLY loves wars! Really REALLY REALLY  A LOT! Though of course he never fought in one. Or been near one…

If our misguided presence in Iraq could be put more on any one person other than George W Bush it would have to be Little Billy Kristol. 

A friend of Rupert Murdock, Irving Kristol lobbied the News-corp CEO for enough money to start up the Neo Conservative magazine, The Weekly Standard, which he and his son would control.

william kristol[Our internal polls show that more people want to put William Kristol in a headlock and give him a Knuckle Rubbie than anyone else in the world]

The conception of the magazine came hot and heavy to this family after what they saw as George H. Bush, General  Norman Schwarzkopf and General Colin Powell chicken out, run away, cowardly and stupidly decide against marching our armies into Baghdad. So had the father not bought his Son The Weekly Standard perhaps a few hunderd thousand Iraqi women, children and 5000 American troops would still be with us.

And please, this obit contains exactly what both father and son are most proud of so please take your complaints to someone who cares