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Kurtz and Deggan say Al Sharpton should not get show on MSNBC

The argument against Al Sharpton taking the 6pm slot at MSNBC is that he is not a JOURNALIST, but rather a liberal activist. Personally I love Al Sharpton for his humor, his quick wit, telling it like it is and because he will take all that right-wing Jesus swill Republicans dish out and throw it back in their face. 

But I include this mostly to draw attention to a much larger issue concerning Left and Right. You see, on Fox News it is all conservative activists rather than journalists. Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly and that crazyass morning gang of imbeciles are not JOURNALISTS.

But that is okay, they are conservative Republicans, they follow different set of rules, different ethical codes and a very different reality that is required from the left.  It’s the Talk Radio Syndrome.  They can we can’t.  Most Americans cannot name one single talk radio host on the Left that does the dishonest, hate filled bigotry and propaganda that Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck or Savage do.