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L. Brent Santorum defends Brother Rick’s Big Black Oily Balls. Kimmel

Do you suppose there is something to the psychological theory which states that those who worry and obsess over other people’s homosexuality are – in truth worried that they too, might possibly be gay?

Macho man Rick Santorum obviously has nothing to prove. On the day of this incident he ‘owned’ the bowling alley. Wearing a lucky sweater vest, he was physical prowess and masculinity on a hot line to God! Why then did icon of manhood single out a small boy at the alley for some unsolicited advice?

Rick’s brother defends him again, this time on the subject of bowling balls. "Young boys have no business touching pink balls." The musical brother then teaches us a lesson in song – actually, more than we need to know about the color of a man’s balls and his status in the heterosexual world of the bowling alley, where Rick rules.