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Larry Wilmore, Marijuana, Pot, Weed and Wabbits

Wabbits on weed, larry wilmoreUtah did some research to find that the biggest problem with legalizing weed is that grazing wabbits in harms munching on it soon get addicted and their instincts fade away causing them to stop fking like wabbits and making for less wabbits.

Personally I have found just the opposite effect. But if true perhaps we should give thought to the trauma this will cause Republican gun enthusiast Elmer Fudd? I shot a wabbit once. I remember that. Why do I remember? Because it was a horrible thing to do.

Does weed cause short term memory loss? You betcha! But what’s wrong with that? You can watch WALKING DEAD ala binge a month after you watched it’s prime run and it’s all new. Or Game of Thrones, or in my case COSMOS which I watched a year later with the new home theater. It was like I never saw it. And this time with the surround sound and the bass turned up, I won’t ever forget what a HYPER NOVA is.

I have also noticed that I forget what I had at Applebee’s for lunch yesterday with whatshisname. And that actor’s name in the movie, you know… Some may say we may forget serious things like forgetting to feed the dog. But people with dogs know better because the one sure thing you can count on in this world is your dog reminding you to feed it. This short term memory loss should be redefined as “forgetting recent mundane things that matter not a wit.”

The funny 1970 Larry character tells horrifying stories about the rampant drug use of the early 70’s. I lived through all that in college. Of my large group of drug using friends a dozen ended up divorced, in rehab, jail or six feet under for drinking. Not one for drugs. But then again I am from Wisconsin .

I think Alaska and Washington DC have it right. Keep the money out of it, make it legal to possess, smoke in private and grow enough to give some away. As God intended. For I fear that putting THC in cookies and candy is going to cause trouble and perhaps harm or even kill a child which will cause a throwback.

Texas Update: An evangelical Republican Texas state representative from Longview – the most right-wing area in Texas and perhaps the world where Louie Gohmert gets 70% of the vote every two years – has submitted a bill to legalize marijuana in Texas saying, “Everything that God made is good, even marijuana” said state Rep. David Simpson.