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Larry Wilmore, The Nightly Show, Review

larry wilmore stupid ball jokesStupid Ball Jokes with Mike Yard and Ricky Velez because Larry Wilmore is too above such things.  Larry and I will be drunk before the Superbowl coin toss. They should start the Super Bowl at Noon.

After 10 shows I am ready for my review of THE NIGHTLY SHOW. Personally I think it’s great and I love Larry Wilmore, but…

Originally named THE MINORITY REPORT the name was changed for copyright issues with the movie of the same name. Though I am not so sure that was actually the reason. After all, how many white people would bother even tuning in a show called THE MINORITY REPORT? Has legislation been submitted yet by Ted Cruz or Steve King in the GOP held Congress for a Southern Heritage blackout on the show? I suspect the only white people over 30 watching the show are Fox News employees looking for trouble.

There are a few problems with The Nightly Show, primarily a black host with an always dominate gang of minorities at his table. White people don’t like that. Secondly the show takes on only one issue each night. White people don’t like that as their attention span seldom tops three minutes unless it’s sports related. And of course the one that bothers me most, Larry Wilmore trying to hold the center by deferring the red meat to his panel of guests.

I notice when they do have a right-wing guest on the panel, Larry will shy away from giving them the whatfor that Colbert was never afraid of doing. Though I do understand he has to do his best to not become the Al Sharpton of Late Night, but I know an acceptable way around that.

After a guest gives their nastyass right-wing bonifides of any sort, Larry needs to just innocently ask, “But isn’t what you are railing against what we call civilization?” And leave it at that. For after all, I am sure that you have found as I have, that any attack Republicans make on the rest of us is an attack on civilization itself. That the confuse civilization with socialism. Civilization came into being through taxes used to store food in a dry season. So everyone will not die. A new concept all being in this together. Didn’t the major religions have the same theme once very long ago? Well maybe not.

My God, snipers are heroes now? Everyone needs to OPENLY CARRY an assault rifle AND a 9mm semi-automatic handgun? We have to execute more people for less reason? All in the name of Jesus Christ? Or Mohammad? Or Jehovah? Why does religion do the direct opposite of what it should be doing? Go team go…