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Larry Wilmore on Fox Family & Friends peckerwoods

Larry Wilmore Fox News peckerwoodsJust in case you don’t know the names of these peckerwoods at Fox News who are using the tragedy in South Carolina to push both their War on Christianity crap and promote open carry of guns in churches, their names are Steve Doocy, Brian Kilmeade, Elisabeth Hasselbeck and right-wing transracial pastor E. W. Jackson.

Fox Family & Friends is the most popular cable morning show doing twice the numbers as both CNN and MSNBC combined. Though one of the most loved parts of the show – the Monday morning call from The Donald Trump – has been suspended since he declared for president. Along with Fox News contributors Mike Huckabee and Ben Carson. Fox News always does its best to be fair and balanced.

Perhaps the biggest question no one wants to address on this one – because the answer is so depressing – is just how many Americans are there who along with Dylann Storm Roof believe African American thugs are taking over our country?

One will get vastly different numbers from someone in Oregon as they do from someone in Texas, while the media plays it at a few hundred rather than the reality of tens of millions. Here in Texas it is about 80% of the white vote. Though over the years my neighbors down here have told me it is not racist, it is just that they don’t like Nwords is all.