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Larry Wilmore skewers Ben Affleck and Britt McHenry

“So the woman with no class is the one with all the class” Larry Wilmore comment on the no longer broadcasting Britt McHenry, who if I heard correctly, has a doctorate in interviewing football players?

larry wilmore skewers britt mchenry and ben affleckAnd hey, shame on Britt McHenry, these kind of personal attacks should only be directed at telemarketers over the phone or generally at racist Southerners in the NRA.

Next up we have Larry Wilmore taking a piece out of Ben Affleck for getting Louis Gates Jr to edit out from his show Affleck’s slave owning ancestors.

What with Ben Afflect’s war with Bill Maher over protecting the stone age religion beliefs of Muslims, Ben Affleck has now become the poster boy of American Political Correctness. Which by the way, is why that stupid toothless trailer trash white lady at the towing company votes Republican.

But for me the bigger story in all this was when a few days ago I happened upon a political column in full defense of Erin McHenry‘s meltdown. I found the column somewhere that was missing the byline and could not imagine which Republican could go so low to defend this woman. Lo and behold it was not Rush Limbaugh, for following the link it took me to Mediaite.com and their top right-wing political and sports commentator Joe Concha. Holy Hockerlockers Joe, what were you thinking? Hoping for a little squeeze on that hottie perhaps?