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Last Week Tonight, John Oliver Helps North Dakota Get Angry at Big Oil!

Last Week Tonight, John Oliver Helps North Dakota Get Angry at Big Oil

On Last Week Tonight, John Oliver’s shocking expose’ reveals that notoriously polite North Dakota natives have  been far too hospitable to sleazy, opportunistic oil companies. If you’ve seen the movie ‘Fargo’ I don’t think it’s hyperbole when I say it’s wood-chipper time, if things don’t change radically between politicians and the big oil companies which have free rein to rape, pillage and even murder in  one of the last truly neighborly states in the country.The nice people are sitting ducks for crooked politicians and business interests. No regulations – no problems!

While driving in most of the United States is an activity which requires at least one free hand to gesture to other vehicles,(sometimes two)  North Dakota uses public funds to post giant billboards with messages like “Be Polite” and “Be Kind.”  Yes, they truly are this nice.

Here’s a newsflash! Oil from North Dakota has allowed us to cut our imported oil in half – but at what cost? The feat could well be accomplishes without loss of life, limb or the ruination of the land…But why should oil companies do the right thing, when there are zero repercussions for destroying the state, killing and maiming workers, and generously greasing the pockets of politicians?  Companies like OASIS Petroleum and Continental Resources literally get away with murder.Trust me, when you see the machinations which allow them to operate with no consequences you too, will be moved to do something. It truly is bizarre.

We can thank Republican Gov. Jack Dalrymple who has made his state ‘friendly’ to business in ways that regulations-hating states like Texas haven’t thought of – and that, is saying something.  Sadly, it is the land and the people who suffer and die under policies you’ll scarcely believe.

John is on the right track, he wants to help the people of North Dakota see what is being done to them, and help them work up enough righteous heat to fight back.  Do you recall those lovely billboards? Last Week Tonight is asking in the most North Dakota way they know how, with an actual billboard on one of the state’s  actual highways that reads:  “BE ANGRY”  (Please).