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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver – Sepp Blatter is the Pepe Le Pew of Soccer

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver - Sepp Blatter is the Pepe Le Pew of Soccer

On Last Week Tonight, John Oliver compares FIFA’s Sepp Blatter to cartoon skunk Pepe Le Pew; “without boundaries, European and if you get anywhere near him your stink will be all over you.”   This soccer scandal has legs worthy of wearing the hot pants Blatter wanted his female players to wear;  it seems as though it has been going on for decades!

Only recently has FIFA’s Ethics Committee moved to suspend Sepp Blatter, as part of an ongoing investigation. While the ninety-day suspension won’t be a hardship for Blatter it is amusing to note that he in turn, has called for an investigation into the investigation on him!

Perhaps Blatter has been given such a short suspension, because finding a replacement from within FIFA’s ranks who isn’t as crooked as Blatter (remember Pepe) is proving to be a chore. They have eliminated the top two candidates, soon they will be vetting the HR and IT people.According to John; “It’s like finding a porta-potty at the music festival. None of them are likely to be clean, so your best bet is to find the one least covered in sh*t.”