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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Cyber Security China Hack

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Cyber Security China Hack

On Last Week Tonight John Oliver talks about the “Biggest Cyber Attack on the United States – EVER!” according to CNN.  Oliver hints that references to the ‘historic’ monster attack last week may have been over-hyped, saying,  “It’s already scary enough without  leftover graphics from ‘The Matrix.’

The U.S. is pointing fingers to the Chinese military, then skipping ahead to create a motive. CNN suggests hackers might be looking for personal information of a sensitive nature, that might embarrass employees to the extent that they would turn into informants or even spies.
John Oliver has a much better idea. They are wasting their time hacking personnel files. Hack the personnel files from the Department of Fisheries all you want; just do not expose the places we’ve been. If you hack our browsing histories, we’re your spies for life!