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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Turkish Game of Golden Thrones

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Turkish Game of Golden Thrones. President Flushed in Election Due to Gold Toilet

Join John Oliver on Last Week Tonight for an expose’ on the country of Turkey, where the ruling party lost its majority because of the President’s  solid gold toilet.

To put this in perspective, some people in the U.S. still complain stridently about the time – five years ago perhaps, when President Obama took the First Lady to a Broadway show for their anniversary. They never did that again!  What a waste of taxpayer money, they scream. They didn’t even walk to New York…Or stay in a Holiday Inn outside of town, they blew our Social Security money.

Turkey’s President thought he was entitled to a little something nice. For the price, I certainly hope the golden throne has a hot and cold running bidet – with an air dryer. Oh, and it should have a sensor that knows when your bum has risen so it can flush automatically!  As the owner of a substandard piece of plumbing that has to be coaxed to flush, I have serious plumbing envy. I will eventually be imprisoned due to trying to pry an industrial job off of a wall to stash in an oversized bag.

If a solid gold toilet makes the President feel life is worth living, who’s to complain? Obviously the voters are complaining by voting his pampered behind out. No one would have known, and Turkish life would have gone on…But for his challenger. The upstart challenged the President to tour his own modest bathroom…A Turkish toilet hunt, or a literal ‘Game of Thrones.’  John Oliver put it this way;  “If you cannot find the fabled toilet, you shall be banished from the kingdom.’You poop or you die!'”