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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Washington DC Statehood

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver  Washington DC Statehood

On Last Week Tonight, John Oliver reminds us that Washington DC experiences taxation without representation – but this is only the tip of the iniquity iceberg!  DC is also missing from the rhyming state songs, which are usually taught to children. John Oliver and a group of singing children fix the latter…While Oliver illuminates the extent of the problems faced by residents of DC, whose decisions are entirely made for them by Congressional whims.

Many Americans who are born and raised with DC’s odd status, rarely give it a thought. Oddly, the Dali Lama, our British import John Oliver –  and a boat-load of adorable kids see the injustice, and it’s time to put a stop to it!  Imagine having no representation, and being at the mercy of Congress…Your wise, legal nannies. Seventy percent of people in DC wanted marijuana legalization. Their Congressional Nanny believes they aren’t mature enough to make such a decision. ‘If Colorado jumped off of a cliff, would you do it too DC – would you?!

A life-saver which is proven beyond a doubt, is the needle exchange. When DC asked for an exchange, Bob Barr (Republican from Georgia) hilariously made this impassioned argument: “If you give people the means to do something, then for heaven’s sake, they’re gonna do it!”  It was then that Virginia Democrat Jim Moran spoke up. Moran reminded Barr that back home in Georgia, there is a successful needle exchange program! ‘Do you want to jump off of a cliff like MY state, DC – do you?’   I guess it slipped Barr’s mind after mainlining the Peach Pony. “If you give them the means…”
John perfectly likens needles to bridesmaid dresses; “Anyone who says you can re-use them does not have your interests at heart Tiffany.”  True words.

Did you know, Congress made DC an offer so they could have representation at last?!    Washington DC only had to agree to a a couple of tiny compromises. They would be free today, if only they had agreed to  give away all gun control efforts – present and future.  Sometimes I wonder if they’re really and truly serious about wanting their right to representation.

If you believe that changing the flag to add one more star will be a problem – John has a little surprise for you.  Likewise, if anyone believes that changing the songs children learn is insurmountable – just listen to John and the All American All Stars!
P.S. If you truly wish to keep fifty – as a nice round even number – while including Washington DC, the kids have a solution for that too!