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Lenscrafters v Bachmann, Birthers and Jon Stewart translates tax code

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Speaking in his one-time home Chicago, President Barack Obama clarified once and for all, that he was ‘not born here.’

For some reason, Lescrafters has taken exception with Michele Bachmann’s use of their name in falsely comparing Planned Parenthood’s abortion services to the eyewear chain. This is one case where the rule of thumb: "Any publicity is good publicity" does not seem to be the case.
And as Bill Maher said last night, eye glasses could lead to reading, and reading is not something Republicans want people to do.

Jon Stewart picked up on what President Obama didn’t say regarding the tax code. Both parties tend to change their verbiage often enough that the casual observer requires an interpreter like Stewart.

Lady Liberty takes second place to a long legged hussy from Las Vegas – on a postage stamp!