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Lesbian love song to Michele Bachmann

How much of our present form of American Christianity is about sex? Hmmm… Abortion, homosexuality, sex education, birth control, evolution, prom, prostitution… Oh Christine O’Donnell!  Masturbation! Subtract all that from and what’s left of it is forcing people to pray in public, collecting money and getting a free ride to everlasting bliss FOR NOT WHAT YOU DO BUT WHAT YOU BELIEVE.  

The problem methinks was Paul. That sex crazed Libertine who after he had his fill of it for most of his life, saw the light and became above all, the enemy of all things sexual. Even sex in marriage made him sick. Paul the anual retentive prude who we have elected to be the top spokesman for Christianity. One thing is sure, Jesus has little to do with Christianity any longer.  He is way too busy promoting the NRA, manning our execution chambers and bundling derivatives on Wall Street. Oh, and hating queers and Mexicans. What silliness it all is… Gosh