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Levi Johnston speaks out for Public Custody Battle with Sarah Palin

"I know that public scrutiny will simplify this matter and act as a check against anyone’s need to be overly vindictive, aggressive or malicious, not that Bristol would ever be that way, nor that I would. But her mother is powerful, politically ambitious and has a reputation for being extremely vindictive.  So, I think a public case might go a long way in reducing Sarah Palin’s instinct to attack." Levi Johnston on MIL Sarah Palin

Levi Johnston, Bristol Palin, 2 shotguns, .357 magnum and JesusUp in Alaska – a big cold trailer park fueled on alcohol and oxycotin – the courts have sided with Levi Johnston to make the custody fight over 1 year old Tripp public. [Tripp as in vacation or falling down unknown though the naming seems to have the hand of an airhead upon it].

I am sure what Levi has to say about Mother-in-Law Sarah is true, but it matters little to Mrs Palin’s fans who love her no matter what she is accused of or in fact proven to be. Sarah Palin loves killing animals which is a big big plus in the world of heartland Republican ideology.

When judging Levi poorly, which I am guilty of, remember he is 19 years old. What were you doing when you were 19?

Last year Levi was suddenly removed from his hockey player party just as he turned 18, forced into a suit and put in the center of our celebrity world while a malicious intolerant Christian fundamentalist took control over his life. He lasted in that role far longer than I would have! Let me tell you! !!

Posing for Playgirl? Come on, how mundane. Traveling the publicity circuit for money? How American! Abandoning his son? Sarah Palin has thrown him out of the family for Christsake. Imagine having to go through her every time you wanted to see your kid. Are you kidding me? 

Sarah Palin may be a lot of things, but stupid Bitch is one of them. Damn editor and missing words…