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Lewis Black On Voting: “Isn’t There A Kill Me Now Choice?”

Lewis Black's New Broadway Show and election woes. Where's the 'Kill Me Now Button'

Good things are happening for Lewis Black, but he’s still an angry man as you can see in this wide-ranging interview. While most everyone is discussing who won the debate today, Black expresses his dismay in the process of selecting a President, which increasingly does leave a lot to be desired.   Lewis hit on one of my personal gripes – he was bound to eventually. All through the campaigning, Romney has been telling us what he’s going to accomplish, yet the ‘how’ is a complete mystery, and in the case of his Super Pal Paul Ryan, it’s ‘just too complex’ to explain. Anyone can promise that you’ll be flying in your own (tax deductible) jet propulsion suit by next year. The devil is in the details, my friend.  Is it any wonder that Lewis Black longs for a “Kill Me Now” choice on election day?