The Liberal Redneck, also known as Trae Crowder, calls the Republican replacement for Obamacare, “The ‘shoddy’ Independence Day’ sequel of health care laws.” It is hilariously terrible when Jason Chaffetz lectures people, who he claims are squandering their dollars on iPhones, or by implication – possibly jet skis and Caribbean cruises. As Trae points out, smart phones stopped being a luxury item about ten years ago. Smart phones are so necessary that there are government programs that provide a recycled phone to low income families.
Of course, it would take cases and cases of iPhones to pay for a normal medical procedure in the U.S.A.. This is something Jason Chaffetz wouldn’t know – how could he? Maybe we can help him.
Legislators would benefit greatly from having a personal experience with their new plan. Paul Ryan, Jason Chaffetz and the other Republicans will be delighted to drop their current ‘welfare’ insurance plan, and switch to the program they intend to shove down the throats of Americans – minus the 24 million who will be dropped. Surely, we will then see meaningful changes in the current plan – when pigs fly.
Crowder points out one of the most devastating – read Republican, parts of the ‘new’ health care proposal:
“It wouldn’t be Trumpcare without a backhanded FU to women. The bill ALSO de-funds Planned Parenthood…Which is kinda funny to me, considering the whole thing is such a ‘fkg abortion.”