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Limbaugh, Coulter, Bozell defend Cain on sexual harassment charges

Herman Cain is as good as innocent despite the money paid to former employees for their silence. After all, Cain has some of the most fair, balanced, and outright crazy hypocrites – er right wing pundits taking his side today!

Between this hot mess and Rick Perry’s recent 180 degree turnaround speech, where he imitates a stoned stand-up comedian, Wilfred Romney must be executing an enthusiastic golf clap, or whatever his reserved type does to show elation. Oh, I have just been told that he shows elation by pretending to be goosed by women he has his picture taken with.

I don’t know what to say about that as I have been told Rack has been known to do the same! And one think Mr. Jite is not, is reserved!