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Lobbyists all getting guns to more easily enter Texas Capitol

Earlier this year some Texas nutcake shot up the air on the Capitol steps in Austin. He had just returned (armed) from a bit of weirdness in the office of State Senator Dan Patrick. Dan Patrick is the top right-wing nutcake in the Texas legislature. A Right-wing talk radio host, evangelical fundamentalist and leader of our Texas Taliban.

So they put in "a" metal detector up in the capital building with a rub. Cub scouts, girl scouts are searched but anyone with a gun "and or" a gun permit can bypass the line through the detector. and enter freely showing their I GOT A GUN AND YOU DON’T (so get out of my way a whole) permit. Down here in Dumbutt we call that Texas Logic. Outside Texas it is called Crazyass Cracker Crap.

Texas lobbyists are always in a hurry to get in to our legislative offices to buy them off with lots and lots of oil money. These oil people do not like standing in lines. The answer is more than obvious. In a matter of a few weeks they will all be packing heat in the state capital. Lobbyists turn to gun permits to skip lines at Capitol

"Every lobbyist in Texas is going to become a card-carrying member or a gun-carrying member. We’re going to have more damn guns in here than we know what to do with. And there are some lobbyists I don’t know whether I’d trust — or trust myself if they’re around. It would certainly be a good way to do away with the competition." Lobbyist and former Republican state lawmaker Pat Haggerty.