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WA man accidentally shoots self in testicles while shopping

Perhaps this should read Lynnwood, WA man shoots self in the nuts, while shopping for long lost screws.

Ironically the painful scene took place in a hardware store. Giddy from the recent open carry demonstration at a Seattle Starbucks, and perhaps envious of debatable strides made in Texas, enthusiasts have been celebrating the right to tote their arms as a fashion accessory. The unnamed man is now missing two important accessories since his inexplicable decision to carry a loaded weapon on the Sunday trip to Lowe’s hardware.

Having stuffed the weighty little item into his waistband, it unexpectedly discharged on aisle OOPS, scoring a direct hit in the family jewels. We don’t know if he too was loaded when he made the impromptu decision to carry the weapon in such an insecure manner.

Fortunately no one else was injured, but needless to say he’s likely to be a belated advocate of wearing holsters, or of unarmed shopping when he’s released from the hospital. Man shoots himself in the testicles.