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Lockerbee Release, compassion, terrorism and Victim Rights

I do well at coming up with new ways of becoming unpopular! Dangerously so by arguing against guns. But also going against the general flow of Americana in decrying capital punishment, corporeal punishment, silly religious crap,  revenge and saying most recently saying some very well deserved bad things about Quentin Tarantino. This all of course makes me unpatriotic, unAmerican and the most dreaded of all persuasions, a pacifist. OH MY GOD! So let me add another unAmericanism to the growing list to phis just about everyone off!

Scotland, working under British law released the Lockerbie Pan Am terrorist back to his family in Libya the other day. Big news here in America as we watched cable news networks give us the entire live feed of the van going to the airport aka OJ Simpson.

There are three issues at work in this. 

First is that European secular concept of compassion which our American Christian culture has not a clue to. A team of doctors have said the man has advanced prostrate cancer with less than 3 months to live. They sent him home to die with his family. Oh the HORROR! I say let everyone in the world who has only 3 months to live go home to die with their family.

Secondly is that Europe and most of the rest of the world see terrorism as a horrible crime and treat it as such RATHER THAN a cause to change constitutions, legal systems, prisons and initiate preemptive wars and torture! TORTURE! Gosh… I know I know, THEY are lined up to blow up our malls and kill our children! Oh and destroy democracy and freedom on our shores! No, we did that, which was exactly what they intended us to do. Gosh, The United States of Duh. 

But it is the third issue that has been festering in my Jite World View for so long that its time to admit to it.

When we allow victim’s families into our legal system it destroys our system of blind justice. It adds not only emotions into what is ideally the cold hard rule of law, but it also confuses justice with vengeance.

Our amber alerts, our probation and parole systems and above all that Sex Offender DVD have been hijacked by angry revenge seeking victim families. Those who have paid their price and those who have done little wrong are put on the same list as murdering rapists. These angry families see to it that there are no second chances, that there is no hope for jobs or even a place to live for those who have paid their price to society. Often a sentence of life under a bridge or having their homes burned down by American Mobs.

It is victim families who go to parole boards to keep those who paid their dues to keep them forever behind bars. This vengeance is not only devoid of mercy, compassion, and Christian theology but fouls our legal system with emotions rather than the Rule of Law.

Sure this is all AMERICAN, but just because something is American doesn’t automatically make it right. Holy Shit did I say that?  Gosh… 

Down here in Dumbutt we execute a few poor souls most every week. The news most always begins with a lengthy emotional report on the terrible crime followed by quotes of victim family members commenting on how much they needed, wanted or enjoyed the execution.

Sorry! That is not news. That is humanity just being less than it can be. The news regarding these executions comes rarely when a victim family member stands up against the execution and for Jesus Christ by refusing to extend the circle of vengeance to yet another family of victims. BTW, those outside the unit promoting executions wear Jesus on their sleeve. HOW DISGUSTING. Gosh…

As to guns. I have to also say the unpopular thing. What kind of a society to we live in when we are so afraid we have to have take a gun to bed, in glove box and tucked in our pants or purse?
It is a sure sign that something is very very wrong with America.

Not enough SOCIALISM is my guess!

Our American Safety Net is a lose weave intended to catch only elephants…