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Lou Dobbs to Follow John Stossel to Fox News!

Fox finally courted ABC’s Libertarian American Government hating John Stossel into its lower digestive tract, the new failing Fox Business News channel. Not sure who Stossel is? Ever been switching channels and here Barbara Walters voice suddenly overtaken with a horrible story about the American Government destroying homes, jobs, values, lives and children? Well that guy yapping in the background was John Stossel, who along with Ron Paul are today’s best known Looneytarians. 

Trying to save their floundering financial channel they are also courting CNN’s Lou Dobbs! That is the best media news I have heard in a very long time. I have been screeching for that move for over two years now. I think CNN did this because they are just sick and tired of reading all my my email, my snail mail and comments in their forums for this very thing. Me and a million others!

With personalities like John Stossel and Lou Dobbs joining Roger Ailes ailing Fox Finance channel will be able to follow in the silly steps of its big brother Fox News and claim how fair and balanced they are. That’s balls… 

Full Story at NYT