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Maddow: GOP debates become top reality TV series, vote them all out

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The obvious is brought home to us by Rachel Maddow – who after watching the latest installment – realizes that there is terrific Big Brother, Survivor and Jersey Shore potential with the diverse field of oddball GOP characters who have felt drawn to run for President.

Maddow expands upon all of the large cast, but a few of the revelations you need to know before the next installment: Mitt Romney admits that "For Pete’s sake, I can’t have illegal aliens on the lawn crew (anymore) I’m running for President!"

Speaking of Romney, if he doesn’t stop speaking down while touching Rick Perry – he may receive a Texas nickname – for instance ‘The Fugitive,’ for those of you who recall the TV series with ‘The One-Armed Man.’

Michele Bachmann is running on a platform of "Obama didn’t do this!" Also – "Obama didn’t do that." Unsaid is "I have no plans to do either."

See Rachel’s excellent run-down, and like me, I think you will begin to look forward to GOP debates rather than dreading them like root-canual work, assuming your dentist knocks you out for the latter.