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Maddow: GOP Fear, Lies, Intimidation to Stop Health Care Reform, Steele vs Steele Cage Match!

Nonsense and Sensibility was an excellent title for this interview. Alison Stewart, filling in for Rachel is joined by columnist Connie Schultz of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, They examine the many outright falsehoods, and twists of truth and fear are being used by the RNC to halt health care reform.

A prime example is Michael Steele, RNC Chairman, who needs no opponent other than himself. On Monday, he was the great defender of Medicare. By today, Wednesday…It’s bankrupt, and we can’t afford it,sorry folks! "It’s an example of what we should not have happen to our health care system." WTF?!? 
Steele repeats himself in an earlier interview,
where he repeats the party line no less than 32 times.

I won’t give away the interview, but feel this example cannot be used enough. I doubt I’ll forget the video of Tom Coburn R-OK, at his town hall meeting. A hysterical woman with tremendous bills from her husband’s ongoing and serious
illness asks where there is help! His suggestion, we can’t turn to "government" but you can call our office, but the real help should come from your neighbors! I haven’t met mine, but if a crisis should arise, I’m certain they’ll each be happy to write out a hundred thousand dollar check! I admit to having done a bit of wool gathering during Civics class, but isn’t the "government" our neighbors, ourselves, and our so-called representatives? I must be sadly mistaken, as Coburn sees them as completely different entities.

Watch the rest of this excellent discussion to see how fear is being used on the elderly, and now our Veterans…and just why Connie Schultz and her husband are receiving those fifty death threats and hate mail per day! The truth often is not