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Making a case for the deplorability of 45% of American voters – or 75% of white Americans

Making a case for deplorability, nick anderson

Trump has closed the contest up by 5 points nationally and is now ahead in swing states of Florida, Ohio and Nevada since Labor Day.  This as data is out that the middle class has seen the greatest wage and salary increase in a generation, no troops on the ground, and the stock market more Mexicans leaving than coming, stock market at historic highs, unemployment down below average levels, trade packs shown to do us more good than bad and less than 100 Americans killed by Muslims in the last 15 years. As Donald Trump refuses any transparency at all; medical, financial, taxes or personal and his history of bigotry, shown a pathological liar daily all the fraud surrounding him grows heavier as the days pass. What’s going on?

Bloomberg recent deep polling in Ohio shows that the main cause of his upsurge is that many thousands of white Democrats and Union members are leaving the Democratic Party and registering as Republicans which the pollsters also say is happening nationwide.  So if is not the economy, terrorism, immigration, honesty, or propensity to fraud what is it?

It’s three specific things – Black Lives Matter, Mexicans and an uppity woman who does not know her place – which rounds out the general deplorable character of such people who are not half of them but all of them.  Except the ones you know personally who are just well meaning ignoramuses.

On the good side we have four things going for the Democrats:

Demographic shift away from old white people in Bodunk.
The coming debates.
Trump having to win ALL swing states to get to 272.
And the millions of Republicans who when privately facing the voting kiosk realize after a bit of introspection they cannot vote for “an irresponsible, unrealistic, naïve, petulant, childish, vindictive, prejudiced, bigoted, racist, Islamaphobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, fascistic, authoritarian, insensitive, erratic, disturbed, irrational, inhuman individual.” [Keith Obermann rises from the political ashes]