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Marco Rubio won’t say if he smoked pot, Stephen Colbert

marco rubio won't answerCottonmouth Marco Rubio refuses to say if he ever smoked pot or not. Doesn’t he know the best answer to that? Just say he didn’t inhale. But at least he is more clear on that than he has been on immigration.

It was not that long ago that Marco Rubio was the talk of the Tea Party town and leading the pack for the 2016 nomination. But he fell out of favor taking the moderate road on immigration reform. Subsequently no matter how loud he recants he is now wet toast at the bottom of the white bread loaf.

This new Marco Rubio coming out against any immigration reform, denying Global Warming and refusing to answer questions just makes it worse. He has taken flip flopping to heights never before attained and now every time we see him in the media blare he looks like an adolescent deer caught in the headlights.