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Marco Rubio’s Mommy won’t let him ride motorcycles

“My Mom was always terrified of motorcycles, when we were little kids she always traumatized us about them.” Marco Rubio in how to lose the Iowa caucus

Marco Rubio's Mommy won't let him ride motorcyclesMarco Rubio could be in serious trouble with this video which seems to compliment the water bottle lean we see here that is forever stamped into our frontal lobes.

Hey, wasn’t there a Twin Peaks in Iowa Joni Ernst could have taken her Harley biker gang to instead of a barn?

But a Dry Mouthed Mommy’s Boy is not the real story here, rather it is that Lazy Eye Scott Walker is sure to win the Iowa Caucus come next February.

He has name recognition being a governor of a bordering state, he owns his own Harley and Harley accessories, he is an Evangelical Christian with a Baptist preacher father, he has destroyed unions and women’s reproductive rights, but most of all Iowa holds him in high esteem for not graduating from college which he brags about, and for taking his culture war against state universities, college professors and college students.

The good news is that the last two winners of the Iowa Caucus were Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum. Well I dunno. Good news or bad. Scott Walker is winning and may very well get the GOP nomination which is better for Democrats than Jeb Bush. But what if he wins?  Thinking back to 8 years of George W Bush we have to ask if a nitwit from the Midwest is a better deal than a nitwit from Texas?