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Marge and Homer Simpson’s Romance Depends on Hillary or Trump

Marge and Homer Simpson's Romance Depends on Hillary or Trump

If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to learn that your spouse plans to vote for someone who is too horrid for words, like  Donald Trump – ‘The Simpsons’ has placed Homer and Marge in that very situation.  If anything could be a deal-breaker in a relationship, this would be it.

Lovebirds Homer and Marge are about to have a romantic interlude when a campaign ad on TV captures their attention. In the ad, the infamous 3:00 am phone call, rings through. America’s security hangs in the balance, and we’re left to see how each candidate will handle the call.  The phone at the Clinton White House is first picked up by Bill Clinton who – like a retired fire-horse is ready to sprint to the Situation Room.  Hold the phone!  Hillary has slept fully dressed, in anticipation of just such a call.  At the Trump White House, you can be sure that Donald Trump is still up at 3:00 am as usual.  He is tweeting directives and snark, with a copy of ‘Speeches by A. Hitler’ close at hand. It certainly  looks as though Trump will be the first to deal with the threat to our national security.

You’ll simply have to watch the ad and see. By the way, it’s brought to the citizens of Springfield  by “Americans Who Are Already Starting to Miss Obama.”