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Massachusetts Senate race Martha Coakley v Scott Brown and the 28th Amendment

If we were each given a Constitutional Amendment wish, I would put this at the top of my list:

28th Amendment – All elections in the United States will take place every other year on the first Saturday and Sunday in November from Dawn to Dusk on each day.

This would put a halt to Ms Bevis and Mr Butthead on our school boards, and city councils and county commissioners, state legislatures where often less than 10% of the electorate come out to vote in off time, off year and special elections.

My second choice of a Constitutional Amendment would be

29th Amendment – Any CEO of an American company or member of its  Board of Directors or Proxy voters who vote to move any job outside the United States shall within 24 hours lose their US citizenship and be deported to the Sudan with only the clothes on their backs.

Third on my list:

30th Amendment – All elections and legislation within the borders of the United States will be decided by a majority vote. Electoral propositions, resolutions, referendums and plebiscites are from this day forward declared non binding.

And last but not least:

31st Amendment – Any elected or appointed government official from any office within the borders of the United States who takes more than 5 cents from anyone for any reason shall be charged with felony bribery and serve not less than 5 years in jail.