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McCain Back to Square Zero with Right-wing Radio Hosts – Bill Cunningham Speech

A roller coaster ride for John McCain this week! A week ago Right-wing radio was declaring John McCain a traitor to conservative ideology and the worst thing that ever happened to the Republican Party. With the New York Times story that his election staff in 2000 wanted to keep him away for Viki Iseman because it was beginning to look like an improper romantic relationship, Right-wing talk radio shifted gears and began a screeching defense of McCain against the true evil in the world, a free press. The pressure was off, the talk radio world had relaxed and McCain was on a roll, he had brought conservatives together! Until yesterday when he lost them again by making a personal attacking on one of their own. The howling on AM radio today may be so loud it warms up the cold spell.

Barack Hussein ObamaRight-wing talk show host Bill Cunningham was the prep speaker for John McCain’s appearance in Cincinnati last night. Along with the photo on the left, the repetition of using Obama’s middle name, Hussein, will be permeating the conservative media for the next 9 months until it is forever imprinted on the American psyche.

Recalling how Rush Limbaugh charged Hillary Clinton with murdering Vince Foster by shooting him in the mouth, wrapping him in a carpet and unrolling him down a hill in a park on her lunch hour, I suppose before too long, Barack Hussein Obama will be named the 911 Islamofascist who got away.

If you wonder why these pigs on Right-wing radio do this nastyass stuff let me remind you. After Limbaugh seeded the Vince Foster suicide with his totally made up lies, public opinion changed. The relentless propaganda campaign resulted in 30% of Americans believing that Foster was murdered and another 47% being “not sure” if he was murdered. 77% of the public was sucked right into that crap. In this case I am sure that it will not work quite as well because Barack is so beloved over his momentum, but it may very well be enough to do him in this November.