. Seth Meyers introduces a new segment called ‘Hey!’ “Since the election of Donald Trump and ascendancy of his right hand man Steve Bannon, there have been fears about the rise of white supremacy. Yet the media seems to be bending over backwards to normalize the so-called ‘alt-right‘ movement.”
The media treats the ‘alt-right’ as if it’s an innocuous new movement. Young faces are often seen, but it’s a mistake to think that “alt-right” is a new form of anything. It is the same loathsome white supremacy, racism and bigotry that makes your skin crawl. But as Meyers points out, it is a name they picked out for themselves, we’re under no obligation to use it! “If zombies wanted to be called “Post-life brain foodies’ – we’d still call them zombies.”
Of all the disappointments we’ve endured at the hands of a Trump-friendly media, watching white supremacy become tolerated, much less normalized may be the worst.
Meyers advises the media to get their sh*t together; “Calling Nazis the ‘alt-right’ is like calling OJ a ‘cutlery enthusiast.’ See inset, Pepe the Frog has become an alt-right symbol..See, no scary sheets, with eye-holes and pointy heads, how can this be a scary thing? Seth quips: “If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck and steps like a goose – it’s a NAZI!”