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Michael Moore Doubles down on Clint Eastwood

“Michael Moore and I actually have a lot in common – we both appreciate living in a country where there’s free expression, but, Michael, if you ever show up at my front door with a camera – I’ll kill you, I mean it”  A brave and heroic CLINT Eastwood threatening to kill an unarmed movie director at the 2005 National Board of Review ceremony.

CLINT Eastwood will shoot youMichael Moore came doubling down on AMERICAN SNIPER and CLINT Eastwood yesterday to remind us of that.

Oh, he was just kidding of course! Knowing full well that Moore had recently barely had the police foil a bombing to his home and family by a gun enthusiast. Not to mention thousands of death threats coming at him EVERY WHICH WAY from not only the gun enthusiasts but the Iraq War enthusiasts as well. Where is the brave and heroic in all that and your own threats CLINT? I always like to capitalize CLINT, blur your eyes.

Is there anything CLINT Eastwood ever did that was not glorifying violence or guns? Is he anything other than that? Oh yeah, women pounding the crap out of each other. He gets away with being the most right-wing actor / director in Hollywood by always adding a little ambiguity to his story, a formula of sorts.

A friend got me to watch Gran Torino. Eastwood played an old white bigot with a gun. Remember the graphic? Eastwood with a rifle at shoulder and with that GET OFF MY LAWN growl? It was mostly about an old bigoted war veteran gun enthusiast a whole dealing with bad Mexicans invading his once nice and pleasant white neighborhood. Finding himself with a terminal disease, much like the Nazi who shot up the Synagogue, he got rid of them by pretending to use a gun rather than actually using one. But by adding the sub story of defending a kind little Asian kid, which helped paint the Hispanics as racists, it somehow overrides the violence, bigotry and gungoonery Mr. MAKE MY DAY is all about. He does well in bringing in the money here in the most violent so called civilized nation on Earth, a win win for the CLINT.

We Americans kill more Americans with guns every three months than terrorists killed on 911. And 911 aside, Americans kill more Americans each and every day than terrorists have killed in the past 14 years put together. So that would mean we need A WAR ON GUNS.