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Michael Moore joins Stephen Colbert to Discuss Capitalism a Love Story

As we have found over the centuries man is driven by selfishness and motivated only by the accumulation of money. The Fall of the Soviet Union was not about a desire from more freedom but for more money. Capitalism is the human status quo and Michael Moore is not going to change that one wit – just as he was unable to change our views on not wanting to pay taxes to support less than white people’s health and well being. It’s a non starter.

The problem with Capitalism is – like most things – extremism taking over. We were once proud of being what was called a "pluralist" society of a little of this and some of that, with a fair and reasonable take on corporate greed versus financial regulation.

ronald reaganPrimarily our fall into what was once called laissez-faire economics into what we now call "free market" economics can be blamed on the ultimate lipstick on a pig, Ronald Reagan. Sure it was Ayn Rand who popularized the dollar as God in her romantic style of writing which appealed so well to pimply teenagers (myself included), Milton Friedman the intellectual Father of no rules at all, Alan Greenspan its most recent administrator, the Republican Party its cheerleaders and of course Ron Paul as today’s primary Ayn Rand Nutjob, but it was Reagan how made it palatable to the intelligent voting public. Who have been losing ground ever since without a thought in their heads… Thinking makes their brains hurt.

The system is basically that those who already have it should get not only more of it, but all of it! Any interference that will be met with Republican propaganda accusing any and all detractors of socialism, communism, Marxism, fascism and hating America. In the United States of Duh it works and will probably work until we all have saltwater up to our chins…