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Michele Bachmann explains Special Rights to Gay Teen, CNN VIDEO

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Finally we have the definitive explanation of why gay marriage is a "special right" rather than an "equal right"! Because gays and lesbians have the right to marry people of the opposite sex! There you have it!  Gosh… Jesus kills more brain cells than crack, crank and oxyCotin combined.

I think this election cycle will be historic in that Americans will have had two years in a front row seat witnessing the ignorance, intolerance, dishonesty, selfishness, hypocrisy and WHOLESALE SILLINESS of the now  "Faith Based" controlled Republican Party. In fact so silly that the GOP may never recover.  The GOP frontrunners so far have been Sarah Palin, Donald Trump, Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Herman Cain and now Newt Gingrich for christsake. And it isn’t a Monty Python skit!  The media must treat morons, imbeciles and nitwits as smart, intelligent and credible or lose share to Fox. Which seems to be the new driving force in politics.