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Minimum wage: Republicans fight no living wage for women, Ben Sargent Cartoon

GOP no living wage for women

60% of minimum wage earners are women.

The GOP has lost 96% of the Gay and Lesbian vote for the overt bigotry involved.
The GOP has lost 94% of the African American vote for the covert racism involved.
The GOP has lost 72% of the Hispanic vote for their immigration policy and language.
The GOP has lost over 75% of the Asian vote because Asians are too smart for them.
The GOP has lost 60% of the Women’s vote because of patriarchal religious intolerance.

The horror of it all is that the GOP is presently doubling down on all of that in an election year, especially with women and Hispanics. But come November the GOP will increase their hold on state governorship’s, state legislatures, add to their numbers in the House and more than likely take over the Senate. Why is that?

1) The failure of all the above mentioned groups to go and vote in off year elections.
2) Tens of Billions of dollars in unregulated wealthy and corporate election propaganda.
3) Gerrymandering.
4) Talk radio and Fox News

I admit to reading lots of books. I know full well it is seen as elitist and haughty with the vast majority of Americans no matter their politics don’t want to hear it. No one likes a smartypants! Morons on the other hand are beloved in America. We are what we are.

I have been 10 years ahead of the curve with the eBook craze. I have now managed to read most all of he top 100 novels of all time, most of which we call CLASSICS. Many of them go back to the 1850s when Darwin and Marx published their world changing books. The screaming and screeching and carrying on about SOCIALISM was as intense back then as it is today, by the same kind of people saying the same things for 165 years in a row now.

Case in point I am presently reading the Pulitzer Prize winning book ARROWSMITH by Sinclair Lewis. It is a snapshot of turn of 20th century economics, science and politics of American medicine. The advent of FREE CLINICS brought the same screaming and screeching about SOCIALISM as we hear today from the same KIND of people saying the same things.

Lending a hand rather than giving the finger is SOCIALISM.

And yes I do have the answer to life, death and everything in 5 words.

Enjoy and lend a hand.