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Minnesota Confederate flag family Cody and Dorene Nelson

A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS – Cody Nelson, left, with family friend Curt Shannon, center, and his mother, Dorene Nelson.

“He was just trying to respect those people that fought for everything where we are today,” said Cody Nelson’s mother Dorene Nelson after her son was suspended from Minnesota Crosby-Ironton High School school for flying a confederate flag from his car in the school parking lot.  Dorene went on from the confederacy fighting “for everything where we are today” to add, “We have the right to be who we are and we should stand up for what we believe in and that’s what this kid went for, and I stood behind him 100 percent along with these fine folks.”

But the most loaded quote from Dorene Nelson was “You should always fight for what you believe in no matter what it is!” Is she in KLAN or ISIS?

Yes indeed other “fine folks” did come in pickups in support, one of them, Ryan Johnson told reporters that “This struck a chord with me, people say the flag represents slavery and it doesn’t. The Civil War wasn’t fought over slavery, it was fought over currency.” Gosh…

School officials gave in to the family and friends who respect the Confederacy “that fought for everything where we are today” by saying Cody Nelson must park his confederate flag car off school grounds and where it cannot be seen from the school.

What are the chances of these people voting for Donald Trump? 200 megzillion to one?  It also brings to mind that people in the South who fly the confederate flag are more than likely racists, while those who fly it in Minnesota are racists.

I also bet that one day that black kid smiling with the big confederate flag is going to rue that picture that will always be there. What’s his name? Maybe he can someday replace Clarence Slappy Thomas on the Supreme Court.

This comes on the heels of the fake news story that President Obama signed an executive order banning the manufacture, ownership or display of the Confederate flag with a 10 year mandatory jail sentence. Which was coupled to another fake news story that ISIS material could be bought on Amazon but all Confederate themes have been removed.

Why do people write these fake news stories that end up as email pass arounds? Because people like the Nelson’s and the Johnson’s believe it no matter if it is SAID to be fake or not. Donald Trump is on to that, in fact he opened up the Hillary murdered Vince Foster conspiracy theory yesterday. Hillary is a crook, a liar and a murderer. Oh and committed treason with the email.

I am thinking that Hillary should ignore everything Donald Trump says that is personal and just call him a silly buffoon and move on to substance. Americans love substance!