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Miss Piggy & Kermit swat back at Liberal basher Bolling, Fox ‘News’

“It’s almost as laughable as, ahhh…accusing Fox News as…you know, being news!” Miss Piggy added to laughter from the assembled press.

Will Eric Bolling and Fox ‘News’ ever learn to pick their battles, and once defeated to let it go? You may recall that last December "Follow the Money" accused "The Muppets" (yes, the children’s puppets) of having a liberal agenda. Hang on, it gets better!

Bolling also accused the diabolical stuffed personalities of attempting to "Brainwash our kids" against big business, specifically big oil! These are the issues children who go to Muppet Movies are concerned about, according to Bolling. Ask at your house, I’ll bet the decline of big oil is on the minds of all of your Muppets fans.

Shown is a recent press conference in the U.K. with the two stars of the Muppet Movie in question. Kermit settles the oil question in one sentence, and Miss Piggy sums Fox "News" up in an extremely quotable riposte which Kermit rightly predicts will "be all over the internet!