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Florida’s Allen West, as bad as it gets

Sure this guy happened into the House of Representatives with the Tea Party roll of 2010. And here is Allen West reviving the old Sixties chant of the Right at Vietnam war protesters, LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT, directed at the President, Democratic leadership and most importantly, his Florida nemesis, that "witch" Rep Debbie Wasserman Schultz. [BTW, the Vietnam war protestors turned out to become the majority of Americans and won the issue]

His call for them all to "Get the HELL out of America!" is not the real story in this video. But like so many instances in the Republican debates – it is the raucous standing ovation from the audience.

I often sway this way and that regarding the three basic issues that drive the working class into Republican Politics. Is it race, religion or just hating liberals so much their teeth bleed?

Here we are once again with points going mostly toward the latter. And again, what is the reason for working class individuals to vote against their own economic self interest only because the hate liberals so very very very much? Stupid people do not like smart people. Study finds low IQ for Republican Base