Would like to make sure everyone understands that the rodeo clown incident included a broomstick up his ass and fingers doing a rubbery N-LIPS blabblabablabblabbala…
“I’ve no respect for him. He’s destroyed this country. How much freedom have we lost? I don’t care whether it’s a black man in office but we have to have a true blooded American. I think he is a Muslim and trying to destroy the country, catering to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Michele Obama looks like a monkey. The media makes it all hate. I don’t hate a black person.” Missouri farmer defending the Rodeo Clown.
Two things caught my eye here. First the reporter tells us that all 12 people he interviewed said almost the exact same things. And secondly just a few hours before I came across this video I read a letter to the Editor in my local Texas paper that said all the same things. In the same order with the same words.
You can see this same response in most any comment area on the net having to do with Paula Deen, Rodeo Clown or Obama. I hear it in person anytime politics comes up in my Texasphere.
It is proof in the pudding that Fox News and talk radio are what drives all these lies and racial overtones, It is why this horrible Tea Party extremism is now the status quo of the GOP. And it’s not just that they defend bigotry and racism, but celebrating it.
As the GOP leadership wrings their hands about losing Hispanic, Black and young voters, their base alienates them ever more every day. And the GOP leadership has to keep quiet, for if the don’t Rush Limbaugh will turn the Base against anyone who does. Ted Cruz 2016. He has the charisma and back story Rand Paul lacks.