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Mitt Romney Born to Run Again in 2016 Please?!

Mitt Romney Born to Run Again in 2016  Please?!

Mitt Romney  has been heard to  say that  he isn’t, he won’t, he couldn’t possibly,  he can’t – don’t ask him – to just maybe he might run for president again. Despite his protests,  Mitt is batting his lashes and smiling shyly in a way that implies – just a little more begging from someone (outside the family)  and he will be forced to do his duty!  Even Lawrence O’Donnell warns naysayers not to count Romney out of a 2016 White House run…Please!

I have been an outspoken critic of Romney, but I now join with O’Donnell in encouraging Mitt to listen to the many voices he claims to hear – no really, he hears them, pleading with him to run again!  In an interview recently,(covered on Jon Stewart) Ann reported that Mitt cannot walk though an airport without people screaming his name and pandemonium breaking out. The airport photos caught him in a lull, obviously taking a much-needed breather…As were his fans.  Many people are aware that Romney is feeling nudged, and is ready to give it another go. O’Donnell questions whether it is possible to nudge oneself, as it certainly appears the nudges are coming from within. This could tie into our recent Skype exorcism story – but I digress.

Romney ally Tim Pawlenty, seemingly tapped into the pulse of a nation when he recently stated in the Washington Post, “There is a feeling that the country missed out on an exceptional president.”  Pawlenty is correct. Mitt and Ann Romney certainly do feel that the country missed out on a great president.The man who can buy anything –  cannot ‘buy’  a way to deal with  defeat. In a recent interview with Chris Wallace,  Romney dejectedly admitted, “It kills me not to be there, not to be in the White House.”  Ann, who sat next to him, agreed. “I’m like a she-lion when it comes to defending him,” she said. “And I mourn the fact that he’s not there.” Of the defeat she added “We were a little blindsided.”   Ann said she was “Happy to blame the media.” The press’ bias  “never let the American People see the real Mitt,” she explained.”  Au Contraire. As you’ll remember quickly when you see the video reel within, I think you’ll agree that it was the ‘real Mitt’ which did him in. It doesn’t get more real than the infamous 47% speech!

It’s high time to take an all-too- quick look at the Best of Romney 2012, (also known as the boob reel) which will leave no doubt in your mind that we missed out…But another chance is nigh. Dare we hope?  These are some of my favorite Romney campaign moments where he seems to have discovered his deeply hidden gift of comedy. It’s a shame we can’t always fully appreciate it, hidden as it is behind the trees that are just the right height, the clouds that are just the right color, the air that is perfectly sweet and the big cloud of money scented BS that floats between Romney and living human beings.